BalconyTV Milan
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Location// Terrazza Municipio 1 Con Il Patrocinio Del Comune Di Milano
Microphones By// Røde
REINIS JAUNAIS performs the song "LITTLE HORSES" for BalconyTV.
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Reinis 'Young' Jaunais arriva direttamente da Riga, Lettonia; è un viaggiatore appassionato e un ancora più appassionato chitarrista. Prima di ogni brano racconta la storia dei viaggi a cui la sua musica si ispira, e durante l'esecuzione usa diverse tecniche chitarristiche - compresi tapping, percussioni e finger-picking.
Reinis 'Young' Jaunais is a travelling guitar player from Riga, Latvia who has played all around Europe and elsewhere for years sharing his exceptional guitar skills and original songs using different kinds of guitar playing techniques - including tapping, percussive, and finger-picking.
Reinis started to compose in times when he was busking and hitchhiking around Europe and Asia. Latter on he has started to play more official concerts and since then have been touring all around Europe and New Zealand. He states: ''Music and traveling is my passion. I feel extremely happy to express my emotions throw music to any audience - it doesn't matter if it's a full concert hall or few people in a cafe.''
Reinis Young has released four solo albums - Plika ģitāra (2013), Draugu orķestris (2015), Gaišs (2016), Tumšs (2017), Music and Travel Stories (2018).
Audio// Luca Piana
Video// Tommaso Ferraro - Sacrem Studio
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