President Moon holds luncheon meeting with former activists of 1980 Gwangju Democratization Movement

2019-02-20 3

문 대통령, 5.18 민주화운동 광주 원로 초청 오찬

President Moon Jae-in held a lunch meeting at the Blue House today with victims of the 1980 military crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in Gwangju.
In attendance were 14 senior citizens from Gwangju, all of whom were impacted by the crackdown, along with some of President Moon's top aides.
According to the Blue House the luncheon was an opportunity for the President to listen to public sentiment and opinions from the Gwangju region while also renewing the government's determination to preserve and pass on the spirit of the 1980 democratization movement.
Just a couple of days ago, President Moon blasted several opposition lawmakers who made controversial remarks about the pro-democracy movement, claiming it was organized by North Korea.