S. Korean FM to sit down with her Japanese counterpart in Munich on Friday

2019-02-15 3

강경화-고노, 23일 만에 독일서 회담... 강제징용•북핵 논의

Amid the convoluted diplomatic situation between Seoul and Tokyo, South Korea's top diplomat is set to sit down for talks with her Japanese counterpart.
According to the nation's foreign ministry, Kang Kyung-hwa and Taro Kono are scheduled to meet in Munich, on the sidelines of an international security conference, Friday morning, local time.
The duo will discuss contentious issues, including compensation for South Koreans who were forced into labor, the sexual enslavement of Korean women during Japan's colonial rule, as well as their views on Pyeongyang's denuclearization ahead of the second Kim-Trump summit.
The session comes twenty-three days after the ministers last met at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January.