The Japanese are using robots to seek out love

2019-02-15 2

TOKYO — Dating event in Japan uses small robots to help single people find love, reports The Japan News.

Japan has decided to deal with first-date jitters in the most, well, Japanese way possible — with tiny cute robots.

A recent event for single peeps in Tokyo provided attendees with tiny bots that essentially acted as wingmen. The event was organized by an artificial intelligence technology company called Contents innovation Program Association, or CiP for short.

The event — appropriately known as a 'robot marriage-hunting' party — was meant to help out timid men and women between the ages of 25 to 39 to find a forever partner. The event planners were really meticulous about it too. Participants had to answer questions on 45 different subjects.

The organizers then uploaded the participants' answers to the cupid-robots. That way the robots could take over and introduce the lovebirds to each other. The cupid-bots turned out to successful. Results of the event showed that four new couples had been formed.

Event-goers were very satisfied. They had this to say about the 'party': "Thanks to the robot, I wasn't really nervous." and "It was easy because the robot explained everything about me, and I didn't have to say anything during multiple interactions."

Japan is known for using objects as surrogates for human emotions. In November last year, a 35-year-old man married a small doll in the form of Japanese Vocaloid pop star Hatsune Miku.

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