Simple Harmonic Motion - Graphs of Position, Velocity, and Acceleration

2019-02-07 1

Position, velocity, and acceleration as a function of time graphs for an object in simple harmonic motion are shown and demonstrated. Want Lecture Notes? This is an AP Physics 1 topic.

Content Times:
0:01 Reviewing the equations
1:46 Position graph
2:50 Velocity graph
4:10 Acceleration graph
5:48 Velocity from position
7:19 Acceleration from velocity

Next Video: Simple Harmonic Motion - Graphs of Mechanical Energies

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Previous Video: Simple Harmonic Motion - Velocity and Acceleration Equation Derivations

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Thank you to Scott Carter, Christopher Becke, and Sawdog for being my Quality Control Team for this video.

Thank you to Christian Politis for transcribing the English subtitles of this video.