Madhuri Dixit Nene is one of the most talented actresses of the tinsel town. Madhuri Dixit Nene was recently present at the FICCI Frames 2017 along with her husband. At the event, Madhuri Dixit Nene was candid like never before. Madhuri Dixit Nene who has spent many years in the US also revealed about her experience of staying in the West. Madhuri Dixit Nene also revealed a funny incident when her kids saw one of her films and found it weird. Madhuri Dixit said that her kids watched her in one of her movies where she was acting tipsy. Madhuri Dixit added that her kids left a note for her asking that why she was acting so funny in the glimpse! Madhuri Dixit Nene further also revealed about nepotism. Madhuri Dixit Nene opined, 'For the star kids it is hard as they are under scrutiny all the time and they are scrutinised in a much tougher way than an outsider. You might be little kind to an outsider but for a star kid you will be a little harsh.'
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