Why Tata Nano did not sell Case Study Cheapest car

2019-02-06 8

Many people think that the Tata Nano car did not sell because it was called the "cheapest" car. This is not true. Nano had good response and did well till year 2012 after which sales dropped.

Nano is an unique vehicle. Nano has features that other vehicles can never have. Nano is the most fuel efficient petrol or CNG car in the world. It is tough and sturdy. Its high ground clearance helps a lot on rough and unpaved roads. Its shortest turning radius is legendary.

#tatanano, #nano #tatamotors, #tatanano.

What do you think would have been its other drawbacks?

Some other factors might have been that its competitors like Alto & bike maker Bajaj were scared of loosing market share and might have aided the "Nano can catch fire campaign".

The Singur fiasco cost Tata around 200 to 400 crores (cost and time delay) which might have contributed to reduce the cost drastically especially its advertisement budget.