The epic jodi of Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol is back together on screen after five long years with the film Dilwale. The audience have been waiting to see them spill their romantic magic in this movie. And if the new song 'Rang De Tu Mohe Gerua' from the flick is any indication, then we surely have treat to look forward to. The love track released yesterday and is already a crowd favourite on the social networking sites. Filled with soulful lyrics, picturesque scenes of Iceland and of course, the crackling chemistry of SRK and Kajol, the song is composed by Pritam and voiced by Arijit Singh and Antara Mitra in this Rohit Shetty directorial. The beautiful backdrops in the number bring back the memories of several love songs starring this dreamy couple like Tujhe Dekha Toh Ye Jana Sanam from DDLJ and Suraj Hua Maddham from K3G. And it is quite amazing that even after doing so many movies romantic movies together, Shah Rukh and Kajol can still spin the same charm for their fans in today's day too. Also starring Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon in the main leads, Dilwale comes out to rock the screens on 18th December.
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