Hottie Varun Dhawan may very well be going the way to become the next Mr. Perfectionist in B-town. The actor who is extremely involved with his upcoming movie Badlapur, recently interrupted the shoot of the sexy Sunny Leone for his latest brainstorm for his movie. Varun has done a fabulous job in the Jee Karda video,
choreographed by Ahmed Khan and he wanted to shoot a different one for the remix version of the song. And for this Varun reached on the sets of Leela to meet with the choreographer who is producing Ms. Leone's movie. Varun remained stubborn to shoot for the song and hence Sunny's schedule was stalled for 2 and a half hours. Not only did Varun have his way on the sets and shot for the song on Leela's set but also was seen eating free food provided there on location. Now Varun, we might have thought that you would be a little more chivalrous than this. We wonder what Sunny was doing for those two and a half hours.
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