Actor Salman Khan has chosen a different holiday destination for himself this New Year's eve. The actor was spotted leaving for Colombo with his Kick heroine, Jacqueline Fernandez at the international airport on Sunday night. Wearing a black jacket, the pair made sure not be seen in the same frame.
A local tabloid revealed that he was invited to participate in the election campaign by parliamentarian and Rajapaksa's son Namal.
Salman is the first Indian actor to be roped in for a poll campaign in Sri Lanka. Khan, along with his Kick co-star Jacqueline Fernandez were seen in Colombo for an event. Normally the actor chooses to be with family and friends, either at his farm house in Panvel or in Dubai. But this time he seems to have chosen to be in Sri Lanka instead! Wonder what Iulia Vantur will have to say about this new friendship, which is now out in the open!
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