The 'Slumdog Millionaire' couple, Freida Pinto and Dev Patel have apparently ended their 6 year long relationship. Just a few months back on Karan Johar's chat show, Fireda spoke about her relationship with Dev and said that everything was well between them. However recently a few pics of Frieda and Siddharth Mallya outside a strip club made their way online. Apparently Sid and Frieda were with a few friends celebrating the actress' birthday.
What's more is that the actress was caught in a very controversial position. Although Dev was nowhere around, the actress maintained that she was still going strong with Dev. A US weekly had earlier reported that the slumdog millionaire couple had indeed broken up and had separated since some time.
While they haven't made an official statement, we wonder if Sidharth Mallya was the reason behind this alleged break up!
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