Bollywood actresses have always been famous for their numerous cat fights and a recent incident involving Bollywood actresses Anushka Sharma and Deepika Padukone might just be the start of one more cold war. Anushka who is busy promoting her movie PK, recently said in an interview that she was not lucky enough to become an overnight star like her contemporary Deepika. Sometime ago there was news that these two actresses have buried their differences and become friendly. But now Anushka says that she had to work harder than Dippy to be seen on magazine covers and make her mark in Bollywood. Even after making such a bold statement Anushka went on to say that heroines are misunderstood in this industry. Anushka and Deepika apparently bonded when Dippy showed up on the sets of Dil Dhadakne Do, which stars both Ranveer and Anushka. Ranveer and Anushka have always been in denial of the relationship that they had before even though they were said to be stuck to each other's side during their two previous films Band Baaja Baaraat and Ladies vs Ricky Behl. Watch the video to know more about what Anushka spilled about her ex-boyfriend Ranveer Singh's current flame Deepika.
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