Kim Jong-un has chance to make N. Korea economic powerhouse: Trump

2019-02-04 1

With the second summit between North Korea and the United States set for late February,... President Trump is sounding optimistic about the prospects for a deal on denuclearization.
Trump says Kim Jong-un has a chance to make North Korea an economic power house -- but warns it can't be done if Kim keeps his nuclear weapons.
Kan Hyeong-woo reports.
U.S. President Donald Trump says there is a "very good chance" that he and Kim Jong-un will reach a denuclearization deal at their upcoming second summit.

Trump was speaking to U.S. broadcaster CBS in an interview aired Sunday, local time. He also said that Kim Jong-un has an opportunity to make North Korea a "tremendous economic behemoth,"... but that won't happen, he said, with nuclear weapons.

Citing his experience in real estate, Trump pointed to North Korea's location... between South Korea, China and Russia... as why he thinks it could become an economic powerhouse.

Trump added that he thinks Kim Jong-un wants to make a deal on denuclearization because Kim is tired of going through what he's going through,... referring to the international sanctions on the regime.

It's widely believed, but not confirmed, that the second summit will happen in Vietnam.
Trump did not say exactly when and where it'll be... but hinted that the date and venue might be revealed in his State of the Union address slated for Tuesday, local time in Washington D.C.

When asked about the possibility of pulling out the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea,... Trump said it's expensive to keep them on the Peninsula, but there are no plans to remove them, and claimed he has never discussed such an option.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News

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