Working level talks to be held between N. Korea and U.S on Monday

2019-02-02 20

Out top story this evening.
U.S. special envoy to North Korea Stephen Biegun... will be arriving in Seoul tomorrow for working level talks with his North Korean counterpart... to work out details for the planned second summit between Pyeongyang and Washington.
No specific dates or details are set,... but the talks could take place at the border village of Panmunjeom.
Seo Bo-bin reports. Ahead of the second bilateral summit between North Korea and U.S.,... Washington's envoy to North Korea called on the regime to provide full disclosure of its nuclear and missile programs.

According to diplomatic sources, Special Representative Stephen Biegun will be traveling to Seoul on Sunday for working-level talks with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Hyok-Chol, ahead of the second summit.
Prior to the working-level talks, it has been reported that Biegun will also be meeting South Korea's chief nuclear envoy Lee Do-hoon... to discuss negotiation strategies.

No specific details regarding the venue has been announced,... but it is expected that the talks could take place in the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjeom.

The discussion is expected to focus on denuclearization and corresponding measures that would be included as part of the summit agenda.
The main sticking point is the range of concessions that the U.S. is willing to allow, in response to the dismantling of North Korea's nuclear facilities.

The working-level talks could begin as early as Monday, but it is unclear how long it is expected to last.
The U.S. State Department did release the starting date of Biegun's visit, but did not specify when his schedule will end.

Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.