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S. Korean gov't to fully support next N. Korea-U.S. summit

2019-01-24 3

NSC상임위 개최…"북미정상회담 논의 동향 점검, 적극 지원키로"

South Korea's National Security Council standing committee held a meeting this afternoon.
During the session, they said good results came out of last Friday's Pyeongyang-Washington high-level talks.
According to the top office, during the meeting, chaired by President Moon's top security advisor Chung Eui-yong, the NSC standing committee decided to actively support the second Kim-Trump summit scheduled for late February... so that it produces substantial results for the complete denuclearization of the Peninsula and permanent peace.
To that end, the committee said Seoul will maintain close cooperation with the U.S. and continue inter-Korean dialogue.
Expressing serious concerns over Japan's recent threatening low-altitude fly-bys of South Korean warships, the standing committee members decided to sternly respond to prevent a repeat of such provocations.

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