Agonising confessions of former ‘girl-cutters’

2019-01-23 1

“As I cut pieces of the flesh around her vaginal area, the girl is in a lot of pain. When the body moves, the knife keeps on sliding and even the piece of flesh you are holding slips off the fingers and so I end up cutting other places down there.”
“Sometimes I accidentally cut the place where a woman passes urine and the girl overbleeds. Some of them faint.”

This is the memory that Epanu Doros has to live with as she recalls her life as a female circumciser two years ago.
The wailing sounds and screams of the over 100 girls she cut are like a sting in her heart with the memory of every single girl she laid her blade on.

“I used a razor blade. Sometimes I didn’t have it when I was called to cut girls. So I would take old pieces of iron and sharpen them on both edges. Then I used them in place of a razor.”

She remembers her pride of excising young girls’ vaginal flesh and throwing it away to rot at the salivation of maggots.

“I used to cut off a piece from inside there and throw it away as the girl cried and screamed through.”
FGM means partial or total removal of female external genitalia.