Location chosen for 2nd N. Korea-U.S. summit: Trump

2019-01-20 11

North Korea and the United States have chosen a location for their leaders' second summit,... according to President Trump on Saturday,... but he said the details will be announced later.
President Trump did say, however, that the two sides have made a lot of progress concerning North Korea's denuclearization.
Kan Hyeong-woo reports.
North Korea and the United States have picked a country for their second summit,... which will take place near the end of February. But President Trump says the location will be announced later.

It's been widely speculated that the venue will be in Vietnam. Earlier this month, CNN cited a source familiar with the planning process who said that a White House scouting team has visited Bangkok, Hawaii... and the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.

Trump received a letter on Friday from Kim Jong-un, which was delivered by the North's top negotiator, Kim Yong-chol.
Speaking the next day, Trump told reporters that Friday's meeting with the North Korean envoy was "incredible"... and that both Kim Jong-un and Trump himself are very much looking forward to their next summit.

"We've made a lot of progress that has not been reported by the media but we have made a lot of progress as far as denuclearization is concerned. We're talking about a lot of different things but we've made tremendous progress that has not been reported unfortunately but it will be. Things are going very well with North Korea."

The focus is now on the follow-up negotitations,... which have kicked off in Sweden. North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui and U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun met on Saturday local time in Stockholm. They are expected to discuss the logistics of the next summit.

South Korea's nuclear envoy Lee Do-hoon has also joined them in the Swedish capital for three-way talks,... which are likely to focus on setting a summit agenda. The three sides will continue their discussions until Tuesday.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News