Trump postpones U.S. House Speaker Pelosi's overseas trip amid shutdown

2019-01-18 57

(Starting in the United States) President Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's upcoming overseas trip in an apparent payback for asking him to reschedule his State of the Union speech.
For more on this and other news around the world we turn to our Ro Aram….
Aram… more arguments between the pair amid the ongoing government shutdown…

That's right Mark…. The stalemate continues and, by looks of things, seems to be getting worse.
Trump wrote a letter to Pelosi on Thursday saying that her trip to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan was being pushed back due to the government shutdown.
He also called her upcoming trip a "public relations" event that would be rescheduled for after the government reopens.
But he added that Pelosi could take a commercial flight rather than a military one if she so wished.
U.S. lawmakers usually don't publicize upcoming foreign trips for security reasons.
The speaker normally uses a military plane, which Trump has control of as commander in chief.
The president's letter came just a day after Pelosi urged him to postpone his State of the Union address, citing the shutdown.
She insisted she wasn't trying to take away his platform.

"I'm not denying him a platform at all. I'm saying, let's get a date when government is open. Let's pay the employees. Maybe he thinks it's OK not to pay people who do work. I don't, and my caucus doesn't either."

The speaker also said the White House is yet to respond to her letter.