Flat Earthers announce fun-filled ocean cruise

2019-01-14 2

FLAT EARTH — Pack your bags because a few good Flat Earthers have announced a flat out massive cruise in 2020, according to the Guardian.
The Flat Earth International Conference is billing it as their "biggest, boldest, best adventure yet."
Those lucky enough to take part in the trip of a lifetime will get to indulge themselves at typical cruise ship restaurants, catch rays shining down on Flat Earth by the pool and maybe catch some artificial surf waves.
The only problem for the Non-Rounders is what navigational charts will they be using for their bold adventure? Nautical charts are designed under the round Earth myth.
Also maybe don't tell the spherically-challenged that the "G" in GPS stands for global.

And just like with any other rigid and thorough scientific discipline, those within the Flat Earth community have different theories, but the core belief is usually that the Earth is flat.
That is—unless you can sink your teeth into the Dunkin Donuts school of thought which believes we are actually on a massive donut-shaped planet.
But back to the bigliest, boldliest cruise of the century. Where are they planning to set sail? Our suggestion would be to travel all the way to the edge of this planetary pita.
Flat Earthers might want to move quickly too, because who knows how much longer the ice wall barrier holding the oceans in will be there, especially with global warming and all.