Trump Doubles Down On Claim Mexico Will 'Pay For The Wall' Through Trade Deal, Not Write A Check

2019-01-11 27

President Trump on Friday posted another tweet on the border wall.

President Trump has doubled down on his claim that Mexico will "pay for the wall" though not in a way that involves making an actual payment. "I often said during rallies, with little variation, that 'Mexico will pay for the Wall.' We have just signed a great new Trade Deal with Mexico. It is Billions of Dollars a year better than the very bad NAFTA deal which it replaces. The difference pays for Wall many times over!" Trump tweeted.  Trump made a similar comment on Thursday while talking to reporters before his U.S.-Mexico border visit. 
"When — during the campaign, I would say, 'Mexico is going to pay for it.' Obviously, I never said this and I never meant they're going to write out a check. I said, 'They're going to pay for it.' They are. They are paying for it with the incredible deal we made, called the United States, Mexico, and Canada USMCA deal," Trump said. "It's a trade deal. It has to be approved by Congress."
However, the Washington Post notes that in the past, "he proclaimed, would pressure the Mexican government to cough up 'a one-time payment of $5-10 billion' for the wall."