CICI announces 2019 award winners for their contribution to spreading a positive image of Korea

2019-01-10 35

2019 한국 이미지상 시상식,.. 한국 이미지를 세계에 알린 인물은?

The Corea Image Communication Institute held a ceremony to present its staple awards.
The CICI is dedicated to promoting Korean culture around the world, and every year the organization selects individuals or groups that contribute to such efforts.
Its Korea Image Stepping Stone Award was presented to the Korean language for promoting the country through K-pop, K-drama and K-design.
The Korea Image Stepping Stone Bridge Award will go to YouTubers Josh Carrott and Ollie Kendal, better known as Korean Englishman, for introducing Korea's culinary culture and more through online videos.
And last but not least, the Korea Image Flower Stone Award was handed to ballet dancer Park Sae-eun, who won the award for best female dancer at the Benois de la Danse, known as the Oscars of the dance awards.
Park a premiere danseur at the Paris Opera Ballet of France... was recognized by CICI for displaying to the world the standard of ballet in Korea.