President Moon Jae-in's opening remarks on inter-Korean affairs at the 2019 New Year's press conference

2019-01-10 23

2019 문재인 대통령 신년기자회견문

President Moon Jae-in marked the start of another year in office with a press conference here in Seoul today. Everything, from the economy to issues concerning gender equality, was addressed. But in this part of the show today we will be breaking down his comments on inter-Korean affairs. He hailed the successes of last year, and expressed hope towards the next North Korea-U.S. summit. Before we delve deeper into the issues, let's take a listen to what he had to say during his opening address.
"In the past year, the South Korean people have opened up a path towards peace. We have taken control on issues regarding the Korean Peninsula. We have overcome power politics and taken the lead in forging our own destiny. We have experienced and confirmed before our own eyes that our efforts can bring us peace.
The second North Korea-United States summit, which is expected soon, and a reciprocal visit to Seoul by Kim Jong-un will serve as another turning point in solidifying peace on the Korean Peninsula. We will not loosen our guard until the promise to denuclearize the Peninsula is kept and peace is fully institutionalized.
Peace can drive economic growth. The people of both South and North Korea share the same desire to live well. The reconnection of railways and roads between the two Koreas will help find new breakthroughs for our economy.
The Gaeseong Industrial Complex and the Mt. Geumgangsan tours were beneficial to both South and North Korea. We welcome North Korea's intention to resume their operation without conditions or compensation. As such, the prerequisites for the two Koreas resuming the operation of the complex and Geumgangsan tourism have essentially been met already. My administration will cooperate with the international community, including the U.S., to resolve the remaining issues such as international sanctions as soon as possible."