Internet Marketing Examples That DONT work! 2 Methods NOT to DO!

2019-01-09 0

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Hey, today I'm going to be sharing with you a few Internet Marketing Examples that don't work.

I want to compare Internet Marketing like me trying to have sex with a girl.

If I hang out with a girl long enough and I'm funny, entertaining I tell great stories, will that girl be so entertained that she will rip her clothes off and want to have sex with me on the spot?

Do you think that will ever happen? Probably not right? In fact usually the opposite of that will take place and I will end up in the dreaded friend zone. She might even be creeped out if I did make a move because she does not look at me this way.

If this doesn't work with women, why do Internet Marketers do this? Some Internet marketers they think they can provide so much value for people that people will reach into their wallet and throw their credit card at them, wanting to buy anything from them.

Just like with women, usually the opposite happens. If you are on email list that gives away free stuff for a long time and then you get hit with a sales pitch, it can be the greatest thing since sliced bread someone is not going to be interested because it's the culture and they are not expecting it.

They are in the friends zone, you see where I am going with this?

If I want to have sex with a girl, I will let it be known early on this is what I want to do. Same thing with Internet Marketing, noticed how early on I mentioned a link?

The girl might probably will say no and that is ok because my intentions are known, just like with Internet Marketing.

My rule of thumb is I can try as many times as I want as long as I'm not trying to convince. Once you try to convince then ego's get involved and it can backfire.

With Internet marketing if someone doesn't buy on day 1 or 2 maybe day 3 they will if you go for the move.

A big mistake Internet Marketers make is not going for the move. The next huge mistake in Internet Marketing I want to relate to fixing a car.

Look I frankly suck at mechanics and If my car brakes down and I don't ask for help, it's not going to get fixed.

Instead of trying to continue to drive it or trying to fix it myself it would make sense to swallow my pride and ask for help?

The same thing with Internet marketing. Look if you can't sale shit or you can't get trafffic, email marketing or whatever go find help.

Either have them show you how to do it, or just pay them to do it – but get help.

If you don't, you are not going to make any money, just like the stubborn guy who will not fix his car he will not go anywhere.

I hope you got some value from this content, if you did please hit the thumbs up button. If you are serious about making money online don't try to figure things out on your own, find someone who knows what they are doing and learn from them or hire them.

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