Yahoo Answers My Questions and I Get Traffic to My Website? Secret Tip!

2019-01-04 1

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Hey, today I'm going to be talking about Yahoo answers my questions and how I can use this to get traffic to my affiliate offers, to make money.

I got this idea because I use Quora a lot for driving traffic and that site is great. One idea, that I use is to create 2 or 3 yahoo accounts.

I know what you might be thinking, I only have 1 phone. Well, one trick is to use Google Voice. Just Google Google Voice go to their website and they will walk you through setting up an account.

Then you take that phone number and use it to create a Yahoo account attached to that phone number. Now you have 2 yahoo accounts, make sense so far?

The cool thing with Google Voice is you can use it to get a second Facebook account if you want as well. Technically, you are not supposed to but some animals have their own account.

With one of your Yahoo accounts you want to answer lots of questions because you need so many points to be able to post a link to an answer.

You need to hit level 3 and that takes 1,000 points. How the point system works is you earn 2 points by answering questions, you spend 5 points to ask a question and you earn 10 points if your question is voted the best answer.

When you are at level 3, with you second Yahoo account, the one that is not level 3 you then ask a question related to your affiliate marketing niche.

Then you can sign into your level 3 account and answer that question briefly and use a teaser to get people to click on the link below.

I have not tried putting an affiliate link directly into the yahoo answers page, I'm not sure it will work.

What I do know does work is by putting a YouTube video, article or website on the page. This also helps you get your videos ranked.

They want more information and click on your link, you then can build a relationship with them and get to your optin form or squeeze page. Are you with me so far?

With your third account, which is optional is upvote your answer so, it gets to the number 1 spot when people start to answer the question.

This is how you can get traffic from yahoo answers.

A second way to get traffic from Yahoo is to simply answer questions that are related to the content you created and then post the link to the content in the answer.

Regardless you need to reach level 3 to post links. Also to get points you don't have to leave a 300 word answer, it could just be a few words, so it's very easy to reach this level.

I hope you got some value from this content on Yahoo answers my questions and using the site for traffic, if you did please hit the thumbs up button. Let me know in the comments what is your favorite method for getting traffic online, I'm always learning myself.

Lastly, if you are serious about making money online with affiliate marketing check out my link below to discover the number 1 tip to