Trump says he received "great letter" from N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un

2019-01-03 34

It's a new year... and perhaps the start of a rekindling of warmer ties between North Korea and the United States.
U.S. President Donald Trump has revealed he has received another letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Trump also reiterated that a second summit could be on the cards sooner rather than later.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
Speaking to reporters at the White House on Wednesday,... President Trump said he received what he called a "great letter" from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... adding the leaders will likely have another summit soon.

"I just got a great letter from Kim Jong-un and those few people that I've shown this letter to. They've never written letters like that. This letter is a great letter. We've made a lot of progress with North Korea, Kim Jong-un. Chairman Kim has been - we've had a, we've really established a very good relationship a lot of good things are happening."

While it wasn't clear when President Trump received the letter,... a South Korean newspaper reports it was delivered to the White House last Friday.
The North Korean leader said during his New Year's address on Tuesday,... that he's ready for a second summit with President Trump at any time,... and is committed to "complete denuclearization".
But Kim also warned the North may be compelled to "find a new way" to defend its interests,... if the U.S. continues with its sanctions on the regime.
Responding to Kim's speech,... President Trump took to Twitter to say he also looks forward to meeting Chairman Kim,... who he says "realizes so well that North Korea possesses great economic potential".
President Trump also gave himself and his administration a pat on the back,... saying a big war has been avoided thanks to improved relations with North Korea,.. something others have not acknowledged.

We're given no credit for it. You know frankly, if this administration didn't take place. If another administration came in and said of this administration, namely Mike and myself and the group around this table you'd be at war right now. You'd be having a nice big fat war in Asia."

While denuclearization talks have stalled in recent months,... with the latest exchange of pleasantries between the two leaders,... hopes are rising that a second Kim-Trump summit will be arranged soon.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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