N. Korean leader calls for reciprocal actions from U.S., halt of Seoul-Washington drills

2019-01-01 450

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, just as he has in the past years, made his New Year's address today and laid out plans for 2019.
He urged Washington to take reciprocal actions to the regime's efforts... but stressed he's willing to meet with President Trump anytime.
Kim also stressed inter-Korean cooperation should deepen further.
Seoul welcomed the remarks by Pyeongyang's leader.
Oh Jung-hee starts us off.
North Korea is willing to start a new relationship with Washington... but that has to be done through joint efforts by the two sides.
That's the message from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, on Tuesday January 1st,... through his annual New Year's Address.
Kim stressed... he is willing to sit down for a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump at any time... but added... he can't help but look for a (quote)"new way"... if the U.S. doesn't keep its promise... and forces Pyeongyang with sanctions and pressure.

"If the U.S. takes reliable measures and responds with corresponding actions to our leading efforts, then through these definite and groundbreaking measures, the relations between the two countries will move forward faster."

The North Korean leader also called on South Korea and the U.S. to stop their joint military drills and deployment of strategic assets.
He said... these raise tensions on the Korean Peninsula despite the two Koreas' promise for peace and prosperity.
Kim added multilateral negotiations need to start among the parties concerned... to transform the current armistice status into a complete end of war.

Meanwhile, Kim Jong-un expressed that inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation should deepen further in the new year.
He urged the two Koreas to put their power together,... so that no external forces nor sanctions and pressure can get in the way.

"Considering the difficulties the South Korean business people at the Gaeseong Industrial Complex had to go through and the wishes of our South Korean compatriots to visit the noted mountain of our people, we are willing to reopen the Gaeseong Industrial Complex and resume Mt. Geumgangsan tours without any preconditions or price."

All in all, Pyeongyang is hoping to resume cooperation with the South... in fields that would require sanctions relief... and experts say, the key now is what reciprocal measures Washington can offer.

"South Korea and the U.S. need to agree on what Washington can give to Pyeongyang for dismantling its Yongbyon nuclear facilities. And in those corresponding measures, Seoul needs to include resuming the Gaeseong Industrial Complex and tours to Mount Geumgangsan as well as rail and road connections so that South Korea's interests can be reflected as much as possible."

Seoul welcomed Kim's New Year's speech.
The Presidential Office spokesperson assessed that Kim's speech yearns for an improvement in inter-Korean relations and North Korea-U.S. relations... and added this will have a positive impact on resolving the Korean Peninsul