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President Moon encourages his staff's hard work for peace and economic paradigm shift, asks for continued effort

2018-12-31 0

문대통령 수보회의서 "초심 지켜야…국민 눈높이 맞출 것"

On the last day of 2018, President Moon and his top aides held a meeting that was streamed live for all Cheongwadae staff.
The South Korean leader asked his administration to get back to basics in the new year.
Have a listen.
"We need to remember the keen sense of passion we felt, and caution at the same time, when we first started this job. I ask you to give your utmost once again while focusing on the people."
He praised the achievements made over the past year,... saying 2018 heralded a new era of peace on the Peninsula, citing historic events like the three inter-Korean summits.
Moon also praised the shift in the nation's economic paradigm to one more centered on the people, especially with the minimum wage hike.
The President commanded his top aides and staff for their hard work and asked for continued efforts next year to build an inclusive nation and to make sure progress made towards peace on the Korean Peninsula is irreversible.