Is this Rapunzel in real life? Indian girl sets world record with five foot, seven inches-long hair

2018-12-31 46

Meet real-life Rapunzel, 16-year-ol Nilanshi Patel.

With a Guinness World title for the longest hair on a teenager, Patel from Gujarat, India, has locks that measure 5 foot 7 inches. She hasn't cut her hair since she was six, when one bad haircut made her decide never to risk that again.

Patel washes her hair once a week with the help of her mother, who braids and combs it with her. She says that many think it must be inconvenient for her to have such long hair, but she denies it.

"I style it is as a long braid or as a bun on the top of my head. When I am going to an occasion, or when I am playing table tennis, I bun my hair on my head so that it is comfortable for me."

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