More South Korean cancer patients surviving beyond five-year milestone

2018-12-27 18

암환자 3명중 2명 5년 이상 산다…상대생존율 70% 돌파

More and more South Koreans have been winning their battles against cancer, due to advancements in medical care and technology.
The number of patients who made it past the five-year survival rate reached record highs in recent years.
Oh Soo-young provides an in-depth look.
More than two in three South Koreans that had been diagnosed with cancer have reached the five-year survival milestone in recent years.
According to data from the health ministry on Thursday,... the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer patients diagnosed between 2012 to 2016 was 70-point-six percent.
That's 16-point-six percentage points,... or one-point-three times higher than the rate seen ten years earlier.
By gender, nearly 80 percent of female patients reached the five-year survival milestone,...but that figure was just 63 percent for males.
Those diagnosed with thyroid, prostate or breast cancer showed higher survival rates than patients affected with cancer in the liver, lungs, and pancreas,... although the numbers have improved significantly over the years.
Experts say advances in medical technology and treatments have helped push up survival rates in general.
But cancer still remains the leading cause of death in the country.
It's estimated that three-point-four percent of the population,... or one in 29 Koreans suffered from cancer in 2016.
Since 1996, the government has been working to clamp down on the disease and reduce the number of related deaths through ten-year national plans.
Next year,... Seoul aims to increase the number of support centers for cancer survivors with more programs adapted to their needs,.. as well as introduce more check-ups for early diagnosis.
According to OECD data, South Korea has a cancer incidence rate of 269 per 100-thousand people,... significantly lower than the OECD average of 300-point-three.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

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