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Grace period for implementing 52-hour workweek extended until consensus reached

2018-12-26 1

홍남기 "주52시간 계도기간, 탄력근로확대 입법 때까지 연장"

Seoul's government will extend the grace period for implementing the shortened 52-hour cap on weekly working hours.
That's coming from the nation's finance chief during today's meeting.
Hong Nam-ki explained, the transitional period, which was to expire by the year's end... will continue until a consensus in the National Assembly is reached... on how to adjust the planned flexible work-hour, a system which limits the maximum weekly work hours over a three-month period.
Initially, starting next year,.... employers of companies with 3-hundred or more workers that violate the weekly cap.... would have faced up to two years in jail... or fines of more than 17-thousand U.S. dollars.

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