Two Koreas to jointly inspect N. Korea's eastern and western roads for four days

2018-12-21 3

남북, 오늘부터 나흘간 북한 현지 도로조사... 동해선 100km, 경의선 4km 구간 방문

Officials from Seoul have crossed the border today to inspect roads in North Korea.
For three days, they will check a 100-kilometer stretch of road on the eastern coast,... then a four-kilometer section in the west on Monday.
According to officials, four days are enough to get the job done as the inspections are on-site visits without equipment.
This comes ahead of a ground-breaking ceremony for the project to connect and modernize railways and roads, the two Koreas are planning to hold next Wednesday.
The two sides finished checking rail lines in North Korea earlier this month.