Two elephant friends have heartwarming reunion after a year apart

2018-12-20 93

This is the touching scene in southern India as two elephant friends meet after being apart for a year.

The two females elephants, Akhila and Aandal, met on December 15 and recognised each other instantly, shaking trunks and nuzzling each other.

Akhila and Aandal meet every year at the elephant rejuvenation camp in Thekkampatti near Mettuppalayam in Tamil Nadu state, south India.

They live and work in different temples in Trichy district of Tamil Nadu and only get to meet at the annual camp, but the pair have struck up a strong friendship over last six years.

Akhila, who is nine-years-old, checked in on December 13, the day the camp started. Aandal, the decorated elephant, who is 13 and much bigger, arrived two days later on December 15.

As Aandal entered the camp, officials followed her with cameras to record how the two elephants would greet each other. They were not disappointed.

Camp officials say the two elephants prefer to spend time together and can be sometimes seen feeding each other with their trunks.

This year about 29 elephants have been brought to the rejuvenation camp, where they get a break from their work and get to relax with good food and rest.

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