Officials of two Koreas in frequent contact at joint liaison office: Seoul

2018-12-20 7

공동연락사무소 출범 100일 "남북 회담•협의 285회 진행... 상호대표부 확대 발전 추진"

It's been almost 100 days since Seoul and Pyeongyang opened a joint liaison office in North Korea's border town of Gaeseong.
The deputy minister of the office, Kim Chang-soo... told reporters there's been almost 300 meetings in total between officials from both sides.
They sit down for talks regularly every morning and afternoon... and director-level figures have also met dozens of times.
The two Koreas exchanged a total of a-hundred-73 documents through the joint liaison office.
The deputy minister added South and North will work to develop the office into resident representative offices in each others' capitals in the future.