How to Increase Blog Views on Quora for Affiliate Marketers?

2018-12-19 2

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Hey, today I'm going to talk about how to increase blog views on Quora with 4 things you can do today to help you in getting traffic.

If you are not sure what Quora is, it's an amazing question and answer website. This means you can ask any question and answer any question. This is different then Google because if you ask a question in google you will get content such as articles and videos.

With Quora you can get people typing in there answers. What you may not know is that Quora also can be used as blogging platform.

Why would you want to use Quora to blog? This is a great question and one is exposure. If you don't already have a huge following on your blog then by writing on Quora you can get even more exposure and that is what we want right?

The website has hundreds of thousands of different topics and each topic has various followers. By publishing a post your article can be seen by these followers, plus anyone that finds it within the search bar.

How do we get more views on Quora? The first thing is to get as targeted as you can. It doesn't matter if you get a thousand views on the platform if they not your target audience. If you have just 5 people who are very targeted that is probably better.

The second tip is the title. One idea to draw people in is to end your title with a question mark. If you don't believe me just try to ask a question on a Facebook post and you will get much more engagement and views.

We as humans just like to give our opinion and we are curious. Putting a question in the title is a great thing to do, to pull people in.

The next tips is not to hide behind your computer. This means put a picture with your face on it. Any post by an anonymous person with no image, comes off as shady. What do you think?

Use your real name and be as genuine as you can. In a world of fake teachers, fake people the more real you can be the better it is. People buy from people. Lately I've been watching sales videos of stick figures and they are horrible.

The last tip is to re-purpose your content. This means You can create a 300 word article, turn that article into a video a podcast and even use the highlights for social media posts like tweets.

You basically want to squeeze as much out of your content as your can. I hope you got some value form this content on how to increase blog views on Quora, if you did please hit the thumbs up button.

Lastly, If you are serious about making money online with affiliate marketing, the worst thing you can do is try to figure things out on your own. It's much easier to find someone who knows what they are doing and just copy them.

If you want to know who I recommend then please click on the link below, bye for now.

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