Recently-Deceased Man Leaves 14 Years-Worth Of Presents For Neighbor’s Daughter

2018-12-18 14

A family in Barry, Wales, was quite surprised and touched to learn that their recently-deceased neighbor, Ken Watson, left fourteen-years-worth of presents for their two-year-old daughter.

A family in Barry, Wales, was quite surprised and touched to learn that their recently-deceased neighbor, Ken Watson, left fourteen-years-worth of presents for their two-year-old daughter Cadi, reports ITV News.
The toddler's father, Owen Williams, told CNN that Watson's daughter brought over a giant bag and commented, "It was like a Mary Poppins' bag, the presents kept coming. It's an actually unbelievable Christmas story."  Williams said via Twitter that he'd like to make it a "Christmas tradition to give our daughter 'a present from Ken,'" but is concerned about the possibility of giving "a fifteen-year-old Duplo [blocks]."  A number of social media users encouraged him to spread the gifting out anyway, with one commenting, "It's the sentiment, not that gift that is value," and another noting, "As she gets older, she will learn the invaluable lesson, that the greatest gift to receive and give, is the beautiful gift of humanity."