Study Explains Why So Many Americans Are Broke and Overweight

2018-12-17 14

Study Explains Why So Many Americans Are
Broke and Overweight According to research by the financial company Principal, more than 1 in 4 Americans
said that dining out is what
drains their budget most. According to a separate study conducted by Penn State, people who eat out a lot tend to underestimate what it will cost. Participants were asked what they
thought they would spend dining out
at the beginning of a two-week period
and then in the middle of that period. Their average budget was increased from about
$18 in week one to about
$55 in week two. Amit Sharma, Penn State, via MarketWatch According to a study published by 'Public Health Nutrition'
in 2015, Americans eat an average of
200 more calories when eating out as opposed to eating at home. via 'Public Health Nutrition' Additional studies
have linked dining out
with obesity and
increased body fat.