Unhinged Maxine Waters is SPITTING ANGRY over what Trump said about impeachment

2018-12-14 2

Nutty Maxine Waters went absolutely crazy on MSNBC over what Trump said would happen if he got impeached.

You know, it’s not much of a criticism to say Trump can be impeached if you’ve been screeching and whining to impeach Trump for two years.

In any case, I do think it was somewhat irresponsible for Trump to say that people might riot if he gets impeached. I mean, maybe he’s right, but it would all depend on what evidence Democrats have to impeach him. If they did it as soon as they got into the House, it would be a very bad idea indeed. If Mueller has absolute proof of collusion, well then, that’s a completely different story isn’t it?

Also it’s pretty hypocritical for Mad Maxine to whine about some statement Trump made contingent on something that hasn’t happened yet when she’s been slapped down by even Democrats for inciting political violence.

Either way, Waters is a crackhead (symbolically). Also, #MAGA of course.