Buildings and roads remains intact, personnel observed at N. Korea's nuclear test site: 38 North

2018-12-13 2

38노스 "북한 풍계리 핵실험장 폐기 정도 불명확"... 국방부 "면밀히 살펴보고 있어"

Satellite pictures of North Korea reportedly show that the regime's nuclear test site at Punggye-ri has not been completely shut down, as was promised.
The site appears to be active, at least partially, even after the tunnels used for testing were closed off back in May.
Kan Hyeoong-woo reports.
A U.S.-based North Korea monitoring website says buildings and roads remain intact at the regime's Punggye-ri nuclear test site,... suggesting they could be reused if Pyeongyang decides to do so.

38 North, a project of the Stimson Center think tank, said satellite images from late October and November showed the two biggest buildings at the Command Center are still in place as well as some support facilities.
About two-dozen personnel were also spotted in the images of the site with roads showing constant maintenance and vehicle tracks. The website explained that Punggye-ri may only have been mothballed, with possible reactivation.
South Korea's Defense Ministry declined to comment on 38 North's report,... but said that it's aware of the situation and has been keeping a close eye on the matter.
After his talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in October, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the regime was ready to allow inspectors to visit the Punggye-ri nuclear test site for verification of its complete dismantlement. But since then, no follow-up talks or steps have been reported.
North Korea previously conducted all of its six nuclear weapons tests at Punggye-ri... before closing it in front of a group of international journalists back in May.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News

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