Kim Jong-un beauty masks flying off the shelves in South Korea

2018-12-13 11

SEOUL — A beauty products company in South Korea is cashing in on the upcoming visit to Seoul by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Skincare company 5149 has launched a new face mask called the "Unification Moisture Nuclear Mask."

South Koreans have already bought tens of thousands of them, Sky News reports.

The product is nicknamed "Nuke Mask" and its packaging includes a picture of the portly tyrant wearing a white sheet mask.

The packaging also bears propaganda-like slogans such as "All hail moisture for all women of the North and South."

The company claims the masks contain mineral water from Paektu Mountain, which is on the North Korean/Chinese border.

5149 also claims the mask will moisturize and whiten the face, like many other face masks sold in the country.

Many consumers took to social media to share pictures of them playfully posing with the face masks

However, the New York Times reports at least one chain store has withdrawn the Kim-themed face masks after the product received severe backlash from a local newspaper for "softening" the image of Kim Jong-un and North Korea.

Under South Korean law, it is illegal to praise the North Korean government.

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