風潮三十周年生日快樂-阿福+Control T (From中國香港)Happy birthday to windmusic, 30th anniversary-A fu&Control T(From Hong Kong)

2018-12-11 1,377

自然音樂品牌「風潮唱片」成立近30年,是非主流音樂的龍頭品牌,今年首度推出培養多年的華語獨立創作樂團Control T,並邀請蘇打綠團長何景揚(阿福)擔任音樂製作人,發行首張數位EP《不完美練習題》,玩轉生活心聲音。
Control T成立於2015年,因創作畢業歌曲而開啟了音樂道路,由團長兼主唱正嘉、女主唱妮蓁、吉他手阿蘇、鼓手富元共四人組成,過去常出現於各大校園巡迴、Live House、音樂節與廣播電台,2017年專場演出「生活這件小事」更是完售爆棚。連續多首作品更擠進指標性獨立音樂平台StreetVoice年度人氣歌曲。

詞曲貼近人心的流動,樂句平易近人不過度華麗的包裝,吸引大批歌迷的支持與共鳴,也注定了與蘇打綠團長何景揚(阿福)的相遇。「初次見到Control T就讓我留下深刻記憶,不管是相處氛圍或是歌曲創作,我很喜歡他們對音樂內在的堅持與自然不做作的態度,EP的啟程就從這裡開始。」阿福說。對應團員各自的專業,阿福精心打造快節奏曲風,滿足粉絲們追求節奏快感與身體搖擺的需求。在錄音現場,對於歌曲的細膩度更是雞蛋裡挑骨頭,希望團員們用盡氣力演唱,用真誠與直率歌頌屬於Control T最光輝的時刻。

Control T 《Practice Imperfection》Copy write

You are optimistic, innocent and romantic, and you feel lazy when do something.
From time to time, there is a bit of a miserable attitude, and doesn’t do so hard at all, just as good as it gets.

You care about the critique of value that society gives you, and you suspect the life is too corrupt. Occasionally, taking out a mirror to review your appearance, it doesn’t likable at all, just as good as it gets

There is no answer to the Yes/No questions, and it doesn’t need to be obedient to the multiple-choice questions, however, the essay questions look like a path to extend the feeling of life

No matter which questions you are trapped in, sometimes, there is a time when you are not willing to face the defects. No one can control your thinking directly, although it might not be understood or not be accepted. This is your life, you must be responsibility for yourself.

Go to practice and enjoy the Imperfection

---------------《Practice Imperfection》

KKBOX http://t.cn/RnfczZ4
Spotify https://goo.gl/iPsGPd
MyMusic http://t.cn/RnfcLyC
FriDay 音樂 http://t.cn/Rnfcqg2
Apple Music 請於APP內點播
Itunes http://t.cn/RnfcxZS
Indievox http://t.cn/RnfcXDX
Muziu http://t.cn/bTdXx
蝦米音樂 http://t.cn/RnIwSmk

精選Control T來電答鈴
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