Wanted man sets romantic datewith police to turn himself in

2018-12-07 43

RICHLAND, WASHINGTON — A modern police persecution/love story.

A wanted Washington man and local police had a comical on-again, off-again on-line persecution until the man willingly turned himself in.

This modern love story began when the Richland Police Department made a 'Wanted Wednesday' post on Facebook calling out 38-year-old Anthony Ackers for failure to comply.

To their surprise, Ackers himself replied to the post writing, 'Calm down, I'm going to turn myself in' causing a large reaction from social media followers.

However, Ackers didn't seem keen on following up with his promise. He didn't show up. Cops waited all day not willing to accept they had been stood up, so they hopped back on FB in search of their boo.

The po po offered their date a free ride saying 'Of course if you need a ride you can call non-emergency and we will pick you up'.Ackers — although thankful — declined the offer but promised the police he'd be there in two days. Yeah. He didn't show up. Typical.

He apologized. Again. Even called them 'beautiful', psh. But the boys in blue were now rightfully doubtful of his intentions.

A week later, Akers finally showed up. He even took a selfie on his way to meet his online pals, sharing it on Facebook with the caption 'Here for our date, sweetheart'.

Whatever happens, we believe the cops deserve someone who can commit.