Senate Comes Together Against Saudi Arabia on Khashoggi

2018-12-06 20

Senate Comes Together
Against Saudi Arabia on Khashoggi A bipartisan group of senators
introduced a symbolic resolution
that would blame Saudi Arabia
for the death of Jamal Khashoggi. The senators were led by
Republican Lindsey Graham
and Democrat Dianne Feinstein. The resolution follows
a closed door meeting
with CIA director Gina Haspel. It calls the Saudi Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman
"complicit" in Khashoggi's murder. The Saudi journalist was
tortured, killed
and dismembered in
the Saudi consulate
in Istanbul. A resident of
the United States, President Donald Trump
referred to the assassination
as "the worst cover-up ever." Trump and top administration
officials continue to contend
there is no hard evidence
linking Salman to the murder.