S. Korea and U.S. haven't yet decided on next year's joint military drills: VOA

2018-12-04 6

美, 한미 연합훈련 결론 아직 + 국방부 "한미간 연합훈련 방식 협의중"

Seoul and Washington were expected to confirm whether or not they're suspending next year's joint military drills by the start of December.
Right now, it looks like the allies have not made up their minds yet.
Our defense ministry correspondent Park Ji-won fills us in on the latest.
The U.S. Department of Defense says South Korea and the U.S. have not yet made their final decision on next year's joint military exercises.
This is according to a report by Voice of America, citing the Pentagon's spokesperson for the Indo-Pacific, Christopher Logan.
Logan reportedly stressed that the U.S. will work closely with South Korea in supporting the ongoing diplomatic process surrounding the Korean Peninsula,... and the allies will continue to consult to maintain their combat readiness.
The spokesperson also said the Department of Defense is closely examining a range of aspects of the exercises,... such as their size and scale.
South Korea's Ministry of National Defense also says the two countries are still discussing the matter.
Responding to a reporter's question on the issue in Tuesday's regular press briefing,... the ministry's spokesperson said a decision will be announced once it's finalized.
"We said earlier that we will announce it when it's decided. That position has not changed."
Back in October, in a joint press conference at the annual Security Consultative Meeting in Washington,... South Korea's defense minister Jeong Kyeong-doo said a decision would be made by December.
And in late November,... U.S. defense chief James Mattis says next year's joint military exercise will be smaller in scope... to avoid hurting diplomatic efforts with North Korea.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.