SWAT Kats The Radical Fandub - Katastrophe

2018-12-04 45

About a month ago, I was searching SWAT Kats fandubs on youtube and saw there was only one and I got to thinking "hey, how about us the fans do a fandub of an episode?" To which some of my friends in the Discord server excitedly volunteered and now a month later, the fandub is fully complete with music, sound effects and of course the awesome voices of the people behind the characters.

Commodore256 - Dr. Viper/ Creepling ( https://twitter.com/Commodore256 )

Lord_Tennyson's_Pipe - Commander Feral

Kooshmeister - Mac Mange/ Smitty/ Creepling/ Alvie/ Guard 2/ Shroomy ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkQyAh2hT-Y52DJpcJ1LCw )

Lowdog - Chance Furlong/ TBone ( https://twitter.com/Lowdogretweeted )

Dustin Dabney - Jake Clawson/ Razor ( https://twitter.com/FelixKayne )

Myself - Callie Briggs

Gregory_Wilde - Dark Kat/ Sergeant #2 ( https://twitter.com/Gregory_Parkens )

Jiesi - Molly Mange ( https://twitter.com/MaJiesi )

Xaldin Wolfgang - Mayor Manx ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC89hDTOfxYQgtn1SFb9CppA )

Ladystormcrow42 - Ann Gora ( https://twitter.com/LadyStormcrow42 )

And now you too can buy the complete series here: https://www.wbshop.com/products/swat-kats-the-radical-squadron

The title card was created by MintySage: https://twitter.com/MintiSage

The episode title card was created by MoDaD: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXNOMLwHr0ncR6fYzPW8dAg

The background logo in the credits was created by Kecsut on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/kecsut

All music and sound effects belong to their rightful owners, this fandub is for viewing on this channel only. Reuploads are NOT allowed~