Nat'l Assembly convenes plenary to submit original 2019 budget plan after failed deal

2018-12-03 0

국회, 오늘 본회의 열어 내년도 예산 정부원안 상정 예정

Seoul's Parliament convened a plenary session this afternoon... and introduced the original draft of the government's 2019 budget proposal.
This comes... after rival lawmakers failed to narrow their differences... and missed the legal deadline to reach a deal on the budget.
The National Assembly Speaker had said he would use his authority to convene a plenary session on Monday,... unless the parties set a new date... which they could not agree on.
The session of parliament is now closed,... and the plan is to wait for rival parties to complete their deliberations.
But it's unclear when they can strike a deal and hold a vote,... since there are still areas of contention,... including... spending for job creation and inter-Korean projects as well a tax revenue shortfall.