President Moon says relations between Seoul-Washington are airtight on Noth Korea

2018-12-03 4

President Moon has also been hailing the strength of South Korea-U.S. relations.
His latest comments will likely quash rising speculation that there's discord between the two allies over how to deal with North Korea.
Hwang Ho-jun reports.
President Moon Jae-in is insisting relations between Seoul and Washington are airtight when it comes to North Korea.
Asked about how he views concerns the two allies' respective North Korea policies are out of lockstep,... President Moon dismissed the question,... saying there's no basis to the speculation.

"I can assure with confidence that such a discord does not exist.
I've held in-person meetings and phone conversations with President Trump multiple times, and I believe a great amount of trust and friendship has been established between the two of us. So I think talk of possible discord between South Korea and the U.S. is nothing more than baseless speculation."

He then confirmed once and for all that there's absolutely no daylight between the two allies in pursuing a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.
Such confidence,… the president says,… is based on the change that has happened over the past year-- saying there has not been a single nuclear or missile launch so far.

President Moon Jae-in added that, in order to carry out the promises of the Singapore Summit between leaders Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump,… there needs to be a timetable worked out between the two.

"The Singapore Summit is only based on the principle of the agreements so it would be advisable to iron out the details of a second North Korea-U.S. summit. And the second North Korea-U.S. summit, scheduled early next year isn't far away. I am optimistic that this process will end well."

The promise made in June includes four pillars--- the regime's denuclearization, returning the remains of American war dead, the normalization of relations between the North and the U.S and finally, securing the regime's safety.
While President Moon sees the next Kim-Trump summit as an important opportunity to speed things up,… he said he's not at all concerned about the slow progress made over the past month or two.
Instead, he expressed his optimism the process will turn out just fine.
Hwang Ho-jun, Arirang News.

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