Why Organic Lawn Care Services Are Better For Your Lawn

2018-12-01 2

https://goo.gl/posts/8qqMh Why Organic Lawn Care Services Are Better For Your Lawn

The debate continues whether lawn pesticides are harmful to young children, pets, and the environment.

It isn't much of a debate these days with numerous new studies coming out providing evidence that many of the materials that were and still are being used in "traditional" lawn care will cause cancer and other health problems while harming our environment.

My goal of this post isn't to scare homeowners into using safer products or to provide statistics and scientific research on if lawn pesticides are bad.

My goal is to educate, and let folks know that there is a better way of maintaining a lawn through the use of organic materials and inform them why it is beneficial for them to make the switch.

Hopefully with the help of this education, consumers will start demanding that companies such as Scott's begin to put more of their large R&D budgets toward safer and more natural products

that are as effective as the chemicals we have been blasting our lawns with for years.
