I decided to "sneak" out very early, before dawn, on Sunday morning to have a couple of hours in the blustery conditions whilst the rest of the family slept-in.
The river was still fining-down from the previous few days rainfall and conditions seemed really good for some sport so I made tracks to the swim we have been prebaiting.
I arrived just as dawn was breaking. The resident swans were still asleep so I quietly set up, trying not to disturb them or any of the other wildlife, including the fish which I hoped were ready for some breakfast.
As you will have seen from my previous videos, it's not often I fish in the early morning so it made a refreshing change.
Although it was not easy going the fish were in a fairly co-operative mood, which made for a very enjoyable session.
Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy.
All music in this video is courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue)