Big Bream River Fishing - Drop-backs, Drop-offs & Tactics - 2017 River Campaign - 9/8/17 (Video 30)

2018-11-27 3

After a few modest sessions at the bottom end of the upstream meadow, above the weir, I decided to move swims. I opted for a swim at the top of the stretch, next to one I have fished in previous years. This would give me good access to a fallen tree/snag on the opposite bank.

After baiting up a few times over the preceding couple of weeks conditions looked great with an influx of fresh rainwater from the previous days heavy downpours.

So I headed down for an evening session...

Thanks for watching and tight lines.


All music in this video is courtesy of Blue Dot Sessions
Celestial Navigation licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)