Huawei today unveiled the company’s best-ever flagship smartphone- Mate 20 Pro in an event in New Delhi, India. The new smartphone carries a hefty price tag of Rs. 69,990 and challenges every other premium flagship smartphone in market such as Apple iPhone XR, Google Pixel 3/3XL, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, iPhone XS Max, etc. The Mate 20 Pro was first unveiled globally at an event in London on October 16 and instantly grabbed our attention. Huawei Mate 20 Pro will be available online exclusively on Amazon starting Midnight on December 3,2018 for Prime Members and Midnight on December 4, 2018 at Rs. 69,990 for regular customers. We spent some time with the new smartphone and loved the kind of performance it has to offer as a daily driver. Here’s what we have to say about the handset in our first impressions.